Just when you thought it was over
Strictly Fitteds is here to stay
The fitted baseball cap is over 160 years old – internationally known and locally accepted. Strictlyfitteds.com is the premier destination for daily news on fitted baseball caps and cultural insights. Founded in February 2007, Strictly Fitteds filled a niche, providing a venue for collectors to stay informed of latest products in the marketplace and a platform for retailers and brands to promote new products and market their goods. The site has grown from a simple blog to a trusted resource covering over 60 different brands of fitted caps from new to vintage, worldwide. Its presence filled a niche, catering to a long established and thriving group of international cap collectors. Much more than a listing of trends, Strictly Fitteds offers the connoisseur as well as the curious, an exclusive look at fitted baseball cap culture in the form of exclusive previews, editorials, interviews and photo galleries. Strictlyfitteds is plural, because one won’t do and two is not enough.

What’s New to Expect
We will continue to feature new fitted caps from brands across the globe, as well as take visitors back with some nostalgic pieces that are hard to find.