Dragon Ball Z 2021 59Fifty Fitted Cap Collection by Dragon Ball Z x New Era

New Era Japan collaborates with one of the country's popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z, to come up with a new pack of hats and apparel goods. Included in the drop is the Dragon Ball Z 2021 59Fifty Fitted Cap Collection. They came up with two black ats that are starkly different in execution. [...]

2021-04-09T11:58:34+00:00April 9th, 2021|New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Dragon Ball Z 2021 59Fifty Fitted Cap Collection by Dragon Ball Z x New Era

Dragon Ball Super Son Goku 59Fifty Fitted Cap by Dragon Ball Z x New Era

Dragon Ball is the second highest selling manga in the world with more than 250 million copies sold. This time, the Dragon Ball Z franchise partner with New Era for a collaboration drop composed of jackets, shirts and hats. Included in the project is the Dragon Ball Super Son Goku 59Fifty Fitted Cap. They used [...]

2020-01-17T22:02:50+00:00January 6th, 2020|New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Dragon Ball Super Son Goku 59Fifty Fitted Cap by Dragon Ball Z x New Era
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