Leaders Cursive Cream Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Leaders 1354 x New Era

Chicago-based lifestyle store Leaders 1354 goes for a clean and old-school look for one of their new headwear offerings. Better check out the Leaders Cursive Cream Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat. This cap sports a two-tone look with its cream panels and navy blue button & uppervisor. The front design features a navy blue raised [...]

2022-08-27T05:46:50+00:00August 27th, 2022|New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Leaders Cursive Cream Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Leaders 1354 x New Era

Cursive Black White Silver 59Fifty Fitted Cap by Leaders 1354 x New Era

Chicago-based lifestyle store Leaders 1354 replenishes their headwear line with one of their classic hats for those who want the represent the brand. Check out the Cursive Black White Silver 59Fifty Fitted Cap. The dome has black for the panels and button, while the white eyelets add some contrasting accents. For the front design, [...]

2021-02-26T11:50:46+00:00February 26th, 2021|New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Cursive Black White Silver 59Fifty Fitted Cap by Leaders 1354 x New Era
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