OctoSlugger Fall 2020 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

Holland-based hat designer Dionic is releasing their Fall offering for one of their classic hat designs, the OctoSlugger Fall 2020 59Fifty Fitted Hat. Dionic went with earth tones for this iteration. The dome and the upperbill are in tan nubuck color. The front embroidery features the OctoSlugger in a black outline, and a camouflage [...]

2020-09-22T06:50:51+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Dionic, Hat Club, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on OctoSlugger Fall 2020 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

Hat Club MLB Patch Customs September 17 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era

Hat Club has a fresh new batch of customized ballcaps for baseball fans, the MLB Patch Customs September 17 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection. Four teams are included in this drop. Up first is the Arizona Diamondback with their black 2001 World Series cap. It is made extra special by a teal undervisor. Up next [...]

2020-09-17T09:46:24+00:00September 17th, 2020|Hat Club, MLB, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Hat Club MLB Patch Customs September 17 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era

The Tikis Black Tonal Camo 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Chamucos Studio x New Era

Hat Club Design Collective resident brand Chamucos Studio is back at it again, this time taking inspiration from South Pacific culture for their latest piece. Here is The Tikis Black Tonal Camo 59Fifty Fitted Hat. The dome has a black tonal camouflage pattern for the panels and button, while the eyelets are in teal. [...]

2020-09-16T13:56:49+00:00September 16th, 2020|Hat Club, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on The Tikis Black Tonal Camo 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Chamucos Studio x New Era

Chamuco Base Stealers Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Chamucos Studio x New Era

Chamucos Studio comes up with a new colorway of one of their hit releases with their new Hat Club Exclusive, the Chamuco Base Stealers Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat. The dome of this hat features a gold button and navy blue panels and eyelets. The Base Stealers from embroidery is in navy blue, light blue, [...]

2020-09-11T04:34:55+00:00September 11th, 2020|Hat Club, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Chamuco Base Stealers Navy 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Chamucos Studio x New Era

Hat Club Customs September 7 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by New Era

Hat Club has a fresh pair of MiLB Copa de la Diversion hats as well as a Simpsons-inspired NHL team hat for their Hat Club Customs September 7 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection. Up first on this pack is the Columbus Veleros, which features black panels, icy blue eyelets, and red for the button and [...]

2020-09-09T11:06:44+00:00September 9th, 2020|Hat Club, MiLB, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Hat Club Customs September 7 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by New Era

Bee Stinger Green Yellow 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

Dionic brings back one of his personal favorites this time in a new colorway, for the brand's latest Hat Club Exclusive. Top your outfit with the Bee Stinger Green Yellow 59Fifty Fitted Hat. The dome of this has has a Canary Yellow button and Botanical Green for the panels and eyelets. The front design [...]

2020-09-07T11:01:04+00:00September 7th, 2020|Dionic, Hat Club, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Bee Stinger Green Yellow 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

Hat Club Retro MiLB August 31 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MiLB x New Era

Hat Club has a genuine love for Minor League Baseball, as they release team hats from the league almost every week. Here is this week's drop, the Retro MiLB August 31 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection. They have four hats for this pack. If dark-colored is what you prefer, go with the Vancouver Beavers 1911 [...]

2020-09-01T12:08:17+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Hat Club, MiLB, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Hat Club Retro MiLB August 31 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MiLB x New Era

Neon Inferno 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

Dionic is a Hat Club Design Collective brand well-known for their graphic hats. This time, Dionic places their logo on a cap and uses neon colors with their new offering, the Neon Inferno 59Fifty Fitted Hat. The dome and uppervisor are both made of a "Night Shift Navy" Hextech fabric. For the front design, [...]

2020-09-01T12:04:23+00:00September 1st, 2020|Dionic, Hat Club, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on Neon Inferno 59Fifty Fitted Hat by Dionic x New Era

MLB Lui V Red Bottom 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era

Hat Club has a fresh new batch of baseball hats up for preorder on their webstore. Check out the MLB Lui V Red Bottom 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection. All hats for this pack has black for the dome and upperbill, while the undervisor is in red. The front embroidery has the team's cap insignia [...]

2020-09-01T02:37:38+00:00August 31st, 2020|Hat Club, MLB, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on MLB Lui V Red Bottom 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era

MLB Side Patch Customs August 26 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era

When it comes to limited-edition baseball caps, Hat Club is one of the best store recommendations out there. Know for yourself with one of their latest drops, the MLB Side Patch Customs August 26 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection. This batch features three World Series hats: the Atlanta Braves in black, Oakland Athletics in green, [...]

2020-08-31T23:19:50+00:00August 27th, 2020|Hat Club, MLB, New Era 59Fifty|Comments Off on MLB Side Patch Customs August 26 59Fifty Fitted Hat Collection by MLB x New Era
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